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    Find contact information for federal, state, and local government officials.

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    • The loss of life today (and in the countless other shootings) should not go in vain. Most American support stricter laws covering the sale of firearms. Make your voice heard. https://t.co/z2DjWpT2PE

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    COVID-19 | USAGov - 4 year(s) ago

    Learn about the types of help the federal government offers for people and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    • .@USAGov: Find and understand #USA government services, information, and the latest updates on #COVID19. #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #COVID #NIH_CEAL https://t.co/10whFeKOcx 1. #Vaccines #testing 2. #Passports #Traveling during #pandemic 3. Small business loans 4. COVID-related #scams https://t.co/vcF4f3Q31F

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    USA.gov can help you start your search for government information by topic and agency.

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    • Ask your Member of Congress to stop this by emailing them at https://t.co/zda09cXHlW or by publicly tagging on Twitter w/ your concerns about the consequences. Send public comments to CMS by 1/26: https://t.co/B97AN1NrIk Tips on commenting: https://t.co/oFxiK7ZRlh My comment: https://t.co/q8fhYwP8jv

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    Check your voter registration status to confirm that you’re able to vote in the next election. If you’re an active voter, you should not have to re-register if your name and address haven’t changed since the last election.

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    • Confirm you're registered to vote here: https://t.co/O3SklKFKJL. Find out about early & absentee voting by state here: https://t.co/Dq1yb2pooZ A summary of the Hatch Act from the Office of Special Counsel for federal employees on the 100th anniv of the 19th Amendment. VOTE! ✊ https://t.co/yxs0cULHjA