Mashup Score: 12A New Protein-Labeling Technique to Study Intact Organs - 1 month(s) ago
Uniform protein labeling in intact tissues is a challenge. An approach that allows antibodies to seep within organs could label proteins in millions of cells.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 7Vitamin K Precursor Takes On Prostate Cancer - 2 month(s) ago
Long focused on antioxidants, researchers are now exploring a new route to combat prostate cancer: pro-oxidants.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 6The Art of Microbial Disguise - 3 month(s) ago
On the battleground of the human body, microbes use every skill to mask, infiltrate, manipulate, and evade the immune radar.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 5
Alexander Fleming’s 1928 discovery of a mold with antibacterial properties was only the first serendipitous event on the long road to penicillin as a life-saving drug.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 26Why Are Successful Scientists Leaving Academia Mid-Career? - 5 month(s) ago
Three researchers who left academia share their tales of self discovery, course correction, and growth.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 6Researchers Use Groovy Science to Understand Gut Feelings - 7 month(s) ago
A new microfluidics cell culture model recapitulates the basic biology of gut touch.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, GastroenterologyTweet
Mashup Score: 2Opinion: Another Species of Hominin May Still Be Alive - 7 month(s) ago
Do members of Homo floresiensis still inhabit the Indonesian island where their fossils helped identify a new human species fewer than 20 years ago?
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 5Vitamin D Acts via the Microbiome to Boost Cancer Immunity - 8 month(s) ago
An essential nutrient and the gut flora, thought to have separate but important roles in the immune response, join forces.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 97Infographic: How Muscles Age - 8 month(s) ago
Numerous cellular changes underlie the decline of muscle mass and strength in the elderly.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 14MOBE: A Base Editor That Multitasks without Mix-ups - 8 month(s) ago
A new system for simultaneous genomic edits could unlock better models of complex diseases.
Source: www.the-scientist.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
@MIT_Picower @GENbio A new protein-labeling technique to study intact organs #NBTintheNews via @TheScientistLLC https://t.co/ik4wO3P5TK