• Mashup Score: 0

    Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audioMore than 1,800 Providence health system nurses and home health workers ended their week-long strike at 5 p.m. Friday. It was the first major health care worker work stoppage in Portland in more than 20 years.But it may not be the last.Nurses picket in front of Providence Portland Medical Center, Monday, June 19, 2023. Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPBExperts say…

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    • Why are more nurses saying 'enough is enough,' and why these concerns extend outside the hospital. Nuanced reporting by @templeton https://t.co/rkO5K3d8In

  • Mashup Score: 3

    The summer movie blockbuster season kicked off May 27 with the release of a long-delayed sequel to the 1980s hit “Top Gun.” And Pacific Northwest moviegoers may recognize some familiar mountain scenery in the background.Actor Tom Cruise repeatedly flew low and fast over the Cascade Range in a Whidbey Island-based Navy electronic attack jet during filming of the Top Gun sequel.Skydance Media / …

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    • @RasuShrestha @TopGunMovie @TomCruise @Miles_Teller @glenpowell @valkilmer @TomVargheseJr @JoeBabaian @TheEllenShow @jameyedwards @elonmusk @EvanKirstel @wareFLO @Colin_Hung #TopGunMaverick https://t.co/Ic8aqh89bi