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The CRUK Scotland Institute (formerly the CRUK Beatson Institute)* is core-funded by Cancer Research UK and provides a dynamic, supportive and well-resourced environment for its basic and translational scientists. Our mission is to understand the mechanisms that regulate cancer cell proliferation, survival and dissemination; to identify critical components of these pathways as tar gets for novel cancer therapies; and to help translate this knowledge to patient benefit. The Institute is located in a
Source: www.crukscotlandinstitute.ac.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Excited to deliver today’s lecture at the Cancer Research UK @CR_UK #Scotland Institute @CRUK_SI in #Glasgow, invited by Dr. Owen Sansom @owen_sansom https://t.co/i6yqlAFnJi https://t.co/NH2IdqNEFH