Mashup Score: 2
Little is known about the impact of articular cartilage lesions on knee joint biomechanics.
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OrthopedicsTweet
Mashup Score: 5
Edited by Luís Eduardo Tírico, Cassandra Lee, Ignacio Dallo Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery, University of California at Davis Health, Sacramento, CA, USADepartment of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, SportMe Medical Center, Seville,
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OrthopedicsTweet
Mashup Score: 4Postoperative imaging of cartilage: where are we in 2023? - 11 month(s) ago
Imaging, particularly magnetic resonance imaging, and cartilage restoration surgery have both made substantial progress since the beginning of the 21st century. This era has seen high-field (3 T) magnets become ubiquitous in large centers, the development of novel quantitative imaging tools, and the advent of new generations of autologous cartilage implantation techniques. Here, we provide an update on postoperative imaging after cartilage restoration surgeries.Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage restorative procedures is used for both confirming the success of the repair and identifying potential complications.
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: General Medicine News, OrthopedicsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Contents listTable of ContentsPublished in issue: March 2021100005PDF EditorialWelcome to the Journal of Cartilage and Joint Preservation!Lisa A. FortierPublished online: January 08, 2021100001Full-Text HTMLPDF Full length articleFunctional outcomes and survivorship of distal femoral osteotomy with cartilage restoration of the kneeEric D. Haunschild,Ron…
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, OrthopedicsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Home Page: Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation - 4 year(s) ago
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, OrthopedicsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Home Page: Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation - 4 year(s) ago
Source: www.cartilagejournal.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, OrthopedicsTweet
RT @CartilageJCJP: Gait characteristics of patients with symptomatic #cartilage lesions of the knee https://t.co/zF7mYkhZ7v #ortho #healthc…