• Mashup Score: 1
    Rust-eze - 2 year(s) ago

    Rust-eze is an American company owned by Dinoco. It sells medicated bumper ointment, with a rear end formula, for cars with rusty bumpers, to eradicate rust. It was created years ago by Rusty and Dusty Rust-eze and since then became recognized trademark in the United States. In 2016, it was sold to Sterling and bought from him by Dinoco later that year. The company was started in 1990 by Rusty…

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    • Kid with car 🚘 @medanta with shiny bumper of course he has #RustEze to do the job 😊 #PHO kids toys https://t.co/BQ8Aa3siHs https://t.co/GizbdecxdT