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    Resources - 2 year(s) ago

    These resources are to help, support and inspire you to take action These resources are focussed on supporting the development of hospice and palliative care. They are likely to be of most interest to those working, or interested in working, in palliative care, health and development. If you are a member of the public and you are looking for patient and carer support and resources, contact your…

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    • The team at WHPCA do their best to equip members and the palliative care friends, carers and community equiped with resources to inform, educate and relatable to your work. Find out more about our resources on our website here https://t.co/OkGSTcEnoN https://t.co/omcvAlKXQz

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    Newsletter Archives - 2 year(s) ago

    With our organisational members in over 90 countries, we provide a global voice on hospice and palliative care

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    • You can access our newsletter archives on the WHPCA website just in case you missed a bulletin or you would like to refer to an old news bulletin. For more information, please follow the link https://t.co/uX6EIGPGnH https://t.co/6ixbbMZWmX

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    Membership - 2 year(s) ago

    With our organisational members in over 90 countries, we provide a global voice on hospice and palliative care

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    • Our members are national and regional hospice and palliative care organisations and affiliate organisations supporting hospice and palliative care from around the world. Membership is completely free and includes many benefits. For more information see https://t.co/NasQlqo4x8 https://t.co/td9GNoIHSm