• Mashup Score: 1

    ADVERTISER CONTENT: We discover how haywire hormones can contribute to stress and broken sleep patterns.

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    • Check out @TheCut’s recent article that features the opinions of three Vox Media staffers about @Thorne’s Sleep test and Stress test. A great article that dives into how Thorne's tests can improve overall health and wellbeing. #Thorne #personalizedhealth https://t.co/Rhmd3EWoLa

  • Mashup Score: 10

    They insist they’re more sophisticated than your typical anti-vaxxer. Not that they’re telling anyone.

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    • My sense is the underlying phenomenon described in this article is widespread among unvaccinated of all political stripes: so many are deeply (if irrationally) frightened about vaccine risks. Their fear, while unfounded, is real. https://t.co/RwojSWZctZ

  • Mashup Score: 2

    What we know about breakthrough cases and the most contagious COVID strain yet.

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    • For kids over 12 who are eligible, vaccination is critical to slow the spread of the virus. @InciYildirim11 also suggests, after a year of staying home, parents should be sure their kid’s other vaccinations are up-to-date, especially before back to school. https://t.co/MnlvzCyvws