• Mashup Score: 17

    As the formula shortage continues, keeping my daughter fed is a full-time responsibility. And I’m one of the lucky ones.

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    • “We’ve come to accept pumping while working as a viable strategy for getting it all done. Yet for many women, it remains more of an extreme sport.” Grateful I have breast milk for my baby, but also, working full time + pumping is HARD. #womeninmedicine https://t.co/ZKrDRiMF0V

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    As the formula shortage continues, keeping my daughter fed is a full-time responsibility. And I’m one of the lucky ones.

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    • Just breastfeed, they say. Just pump more. "Just" do it. Because it's so easy. A short🧵from me and a longer article from another mom: https://t.co/ifh6OAOb9P

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    Losing My Ambition - 3 year(s) ago

    After a career of making “strategic” moves, I’m embracing mediocrity.

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    • The antidote to hustle porn is stories like this… and I bet we’ll be hearing a lot more of them. Anecdotally I’ve seen a lot of people in my network opt for work/ life balance over the chance at startup royalties https://t.co/pZG2lTEBd8

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    Some new fathers opt out of company-granted days off. In an excerpt from her new book, Pay Up, Reshma Saujani argues workplaces shouldn’t let them.

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    • "It’s time to channel our ambition towards a different future of work – one where workplaces don’t just accommodate what happens at home, but through policy and practice, actually begin to value it." https://t.co/8u4bHQFpUs @reshmasaujani

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    When I got pregnant, my partner took out his camera. In the turbulent weeks after, he never put it down.

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    • A moving photo essay on a trauma that many women experience with a strange but somehow healing mix of melancholy, fear and hope. My Miscarriage, in Photos https://t.co/ySQDFARsvQ h/t @janevandis https://t.co/0PmKZT3jRk

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    ADVERTISER CONTENT: We discover how haywire hormones can contribute to stress and broken sleep patterns.

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    • As we enter #sleepawarenessweek, let’s all be champions for sleep. To optimize health, use resources like @Thornehealth’s Sleep Test to reveal why you could be experiencing difficulty sleeping. Read @voxdotcom staffers' Sleep Test experiences below: https://t.co/l2SUjCWqhy

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    Where to donate to support those on the ground as the Russian invasion escalates.

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    • Curiously, the hacker who temporarily took over this account deleted my tweets about how to help the Ukrainian people. Wonder why? In case you missed those tweets, I’m retweeting them: How to find charities helping Ukraine. https://t.co/1kbjKwwkhK