• Mashup Score: 1

    RESILIENCE es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico, prospectivo, aleatorizado, de fase II, doble ciego, controlado con placebo para evaluar la

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    • En #Hematología @Hospital_FJD participamos en el ensayo clínico #RESILIENCE para evaluar los beneficios del condicionamiento isquémico remoto en pacientes con #linfoma no Hodgkin que reciben #antraciclinas. Para saber más 👉 https://t.co/HQNP22tH4k https://t.co/wMtXEr1ooD

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Cancer survivors are at high risk for cardiovascular complications. RESILIENCE counts on a multidisciplinary consortium with the active participation of patients.

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    • RT @resilienceH2020: Find out about all the progress of the #Resilience Project by subscribing to our newsletter 👉🏼 https://t.co/vw4VuXwuWQ…

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Cancer survivors are at high risk for cardiovascular complications. Anthracyclines are an extremely effective treatment against many cancer types, but they

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    • RT @Borjaibanez1: proud to be part of this @EU_Commission funded project!! https://t.co/7LG77Kxadt @escardio @CNIC_CARDIO @Hospital_FJD @CI…