• Mashup Score: 1

    ROI 5K 2023 Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA – Lace up your running shoes for the… ROI 5k powered by… – October 3, 2023

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    • RT @RO_Institute: RACE DETAILS JUST ANNOUNCED: bib pick-up, race route, and swag details! Visit https://t.co/YLT55Cv7r1 to register and lea…

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Dear Family and Friends,I am thrilled to announce that I will be running the Falmouth Road Race on Aug 20 to support research on the prevention and treatment of lymphedema at the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center.  I am inspired by Suzanne Sarafin, who started this team back in 2014! What is lymphedema? Lymphedema is a lymphatic system disease that causes swelling. The lymphatic system collects extra fluid, known as lymph, as well as proteins and other substances, from the body’s tissues. If the flow of lymph in the body is blocked, fluid can collect in the tissues under the skin. Patients who have undergone surgery or radiation therapy to the lymph nodes for breast cancer are at risk of developing Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL). Our innovative research team at the Mass General Cancer Center focuses on survivorship, investigation of symptoms, impact on quality of life and early detection, and intervention of breast cancer related lymphedema.  I look forward to running the Fa

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    • Just 1 week until the @FalmouthRR! Can’t wait to run this iconic race & support research @MGHCancerCenter on prevention & treatment of #lymphedema. Click here to donate! 🌊 https://t.co/oGzlrZwSe6 @LymphedemaMGH @MGHBreastOnc https://t.co/fyjLiGTjwM

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Dear Family and Friends,I am thrilled to announce that I will be running the Falmouth Road Race on Aug 20 to support research on the prevention and treatment of lymphedema at the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center.  I am inspired by Suzanne Sarafin, who started this team back in 2014! What is lymphedema? Lymphedema is a lymphatic system disease that causes swelling. The lymphatic system collects extra fluid, known as lymph, as well as proteins and other substances, from the body’s tissues. If the flow of lymph in the body is blocked, fluid can collect in the tissues under the skin. Patients who have undergone surgery or radiation therapy to the lymph nodes for breast cancer are at risk of developing Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL). Our innovative research team at the Mass General Cancer Center focuses on survivorship, investigation of symptoms, impact on quality of life and early detection, and intervention of breast cancer related lymphedema.  I look forward to running the Fa

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    • The @FalmouthRR is just 2 wks away!Honored to run to support research @MGHCancerCenter on the prevention & treatment of lymphedema after breast cancer tx. If you would like to support me & this innovative research, click here! https://t.co/oGzlrZwSe6 @LymphedemaMGH @MGHBreastOnc https://t.co/GTpfPbACAI