• Mashup Score: 3

    Kennedy — a longtime aficionado of conspiracy theories — floated the idea during a question and answer portion of a raucous booze and fart filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on the Upper East 

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    • watch the video at the top of the post article. most generous thing you can say is he elides between deliberately targeting and de facto/biological receptor targeting BUT he also says: “we don’t know if it was deliberately targeted like that or not” https://t.co/AEA5DnsFgy https://t.co/5oGKLk11xd

  • Mashup Score: 19

    Kennedy — a longtime aficionado of conspiracy theories — floated the idea during a question and answer portion of a raucous booze and fart filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on the Upper East 

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    • RFK Jr. told a group at a NY restaurant that “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” First of all, he’s wrong. Second, he’s an unapologetic antisemite. Such an ass. https://t.co/yTatQ8DYS9

  • Mashup Score: 37

    Kennedy — a longtime aficionado of conspiracy theories — floated the idea during a question and answer portion of a raucous booze and fart filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on the Upper East 

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    • This is a totally bonkers claim - 'space-lizard-are-our-overlords-level' insane. But as often with RFKJr's absurd conspiratorial claims, there's a tiny kernel of (totally misunderstood) truth at its heart. 1/ https://t.co/DKw4OPu3LE