• Mashup Score: 2

    Once again this February, Heart Month prompts us to reflect on the core mission of promoting cardiovascular (CV) health, with special focus on the importance of heart health in women, who often are underdiagnosed, late to present, and less likely to receive appropriate treatment.1 The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign is focused on this mission and carries out activities…

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    • Grateful to 🖊️ the February @JCardFail Editors Page with @dranulala @robmentz for 🫀Month! https://t.co/PRXAnjBdxo Looking forward to our ongoing efforts to improve DEIB in publishing and peer review

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Once again this February, Heart Month prompts us to reflect on the core mission of promoting cardiovascular (CV) health, with special focus on the importance of heart health in women, who often are underdiagnosed, late to present, and less likely to receive appropriate treatment.1 The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign is focused on this mission and carries out activities…

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    • 💫Highlighting 📝w/ 1st & senior 👩🏽‍🔬 authors @JCardFail - reporting back to our community this 🫀❤️ month! Only 1 index of #DEI but a step in right🧭! 🙌🏽Kudos to @ersied727 on leading alongside @MelvinEchols9 #WIC Feb issue out now! @robmentz @HFSA https://t.co/85Il7dFrBi https://t.co/Hq4btDnauL

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem, with frequent emergency department (ED) visits, hospital admissions and a 5-year survival rate of approximately 50% [1]. With the advent of novel therapies such as angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI), and sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), quadruple therapy is now recommended by practice guidelines in treating…

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    • 🔥 off the Press #TripleTx under-used in practice, despite recent recommendations re #QuadrupleTx in pts with #HFrEF. 1/5th received 3 #GDMT classes in 1y after #HeartFailure Dx. #TripleTx assoc. with better outcomes #TimeToTripleTx new quality metric https://t.co/x4LYM722yw https://t.co/KCV6oZ2NaJ

  • Mashup Score: 0

    The path to become an advanced heart failure and transplant cardiologist (AHFTC) is long and arduous. In the final year of postgraduate training, fellows are expected to rapidly acquire inpatient and outpatient expertise in heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, mechanical circulatory support, and heart transplantation in addition to numerous other competencies that are now expected in the…

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    • @Nikhil15 @noshreza on the evolution of AHFTC training. @EiranGorodeski @preventfailure @ajaysmd @AHajduczok @dranulala @robmentz @DrMarthaGulati Let's keep the conversation going my friends. https://t.co/FzXikX9HrZ