Mashup Score: 3Long-term survival outcomes in high-risk endometrial cancer patients undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy alone versus lymphadenectomy - 2 year(s) ago
Objective Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic neoplasm. To date, international guidelines recommend sentinel lymph node biopsy for low-risk neoplasms, while systematic lymphadenectomy is still considered for high-risk cases. This study aimed to compare the long-term survival of high-risk patients who were submitted to sentinel lymph node biopsy alone versus systematic pelvic…
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Mashup Score: 9
Objective To determine the best second-step approach for discriminating benign from malignant adnexal masses classified as inconclusive by International Ovarian Tumour Analysis Simple Rules (IOTA-SR). Methods Single-center prospective study comprising a consecutive series of patients diagnosed as having an adnexal mass classified as inconclusive according to IOTA-SR. All women underwent Risk of…
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 2
Background Serous endometrial intra-epithelial carcinoma is described as a malignant, superficial spreading lesion with risk of extra-uterine spread at time of diagnosis, and poor outcome. Objective To evaluate the surgical management of patients with serous endometrial intra-epithelial carcinoma and its impact on oncologic outcomes and complications. Methods This Dutch observational…
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 2Ultrasound of malignant uterine mass: degenerative versus necrotic cystic manifestations and lack of structure - 2 year(s) ago
Uterine sarcomas are rare and difficult to diagnose on ultrasound, especially leiomyosarcomas diiferentiati0n from fibroids and degenerative changes. Ultrasound features suspicious of malignant fibroids are non-specific, inconsistent, and include irregular mass, irregular cystic areas, and/or rich
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 1Ultrasound of malignant uterine mass: degenerative versus necrotic cystic manifestations and lack of structure - 2 year(s) ago
Uterine sarcomas are rare and difficult to diagnose on ultrasound, especially leiomyosarcomas diiferentiati0n from fibroids and degenerative changes. Ultrasound features suspicious of malignant fibroids are non-specific, inconsistent, and include irregular mass, irregular cystic areas, and/or rich
Categories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet-
RT @ArturasDobilas: Ultrasound of malignant uterine mass🤔 @OncoAlert @ESGO_society https://t.co/7CoccM9KXP
Mashup Score: 0ESGO/ESHRE/ESGE Guidelines for the fertility-sparing treatment of patients with endometrial carcinoma - 2 year(s) ago
The standard surgical treatment of endometrial carcinoma, consisting of total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, drastically affects the quality of life of patients and creates a challenge for clinicians. Recent evidence-based guidelines of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), and the European Society…
Categories: Hematologists1, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 2ESGO/ESTRO/ESP Guidelines for the management of patients with cervical cancer – Update 2023* - 2 year(s) ago
In 2018, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) jointly with the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) and the European Society of Pathology (ESP) published evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with cervical cancer. Given the large body of new evidence addressing the management of cervical cancer, the three sister societies jointly decided to…
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 2Secondary validation of an ovarian cancer-specific comorbidity index in a US population - 2 year(s) ago
Objectives The Ovarian Cancer Comorbidity Index (OCCI) is an age-specific index developed and previously found to be more predictive of overall and cancer-specific survival than the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). The objective was to perform secondary validation of the OCCI in a US population. Methods A cohort of ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary or interval cytoreductive surgery…
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 5ESGO/ESTRO/ESP Guidelines for the management of patients with cervical cancer – Update 2023* - 2 year(s) ago
In 2018, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) jointly with the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) and the European Society of Pathology (ESP) published evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with cervical cancer. Given the large body of new evidence addressing the management of cervical cancer, the three sister societies jointly decided to…
Categories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 3Myeloid neoplasms post PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancer - 2 year(s) ago
The incidence of myeloid neoplasms following treatment with poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) in patients with ovarian cancer has been gradually increasing over the last few years. The cumulative exposure to PARPi and the improved overall survival of patients with ovarian cancer may represent key underlying explanations behind such trend. Fortunately, the earlier introduction of…
Categories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
RT @IJGCfellows: Read the #leadarticle about survival outcomes in SLN in high-risk #EndometrialCancer patients! 📌 https://t.co/oB4akkbT1x…