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    The following listing covers selected upcoming HIV-related meetings and workshops. Registration details, including for community and community press are included on the relevant websites. Some meetings are in person, some are virtual and others offer both options. Academic Medical Education (AME) meetings and workshops Several AME workshops (previously Virology Education) are highlighted below but 35 meetings are planned each year. Many virtual meetings include free registrations for health workers,

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    • RT @HIViBase: HTB August 2023. Future meetings: Future meetings and webinars. https://t.co/4dW0RziRUk @ukcab @4Mproject @GeorgeHouseTrst…

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    Simon Collins, HIV i-Base On 17 August 2022, BHIVA issued an updated statement on monkeypox (MPX) that includes information about vaccine efficacy, including in people living with HIV. [1] The statement summarises information about the time to develop antibody responses and that these continue to increase over four weeks after a single shot. One of the two HIV studies includes that responses…

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    • RT @HIViBase: @BritishHIVAssoc Include efficacy data on #HIV and #monkeypox vaccine: updated statement. https://t.co/T7JvJ8Jj5n (2/3)

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    How can I avoid monkeypox during Pride week? Hi, I am a gay man in London and I am worried about monkeypox. What can I do to stay safe during Pride this week? Will being undetectable on ART help? Answer Answer: Simon Collins Hi there Thanks for your question. The easiest way to avoid monkeypox (MPX) is to not have sex for the next few weeks. Or at…

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    • RT @HIViBase: How can I avoid monkepox during Pride week? https://t.co/XqqY1bY2Mu @ukcab @MindfulHIV @4Mproject @Positively_UK @SophiaForu…