• Mashup Score: 16

    Aims & Scope | The leading open-access peer-reviewed journal exploring the multifaceted role of XR in healthcare.

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    • In designing the inaugural cover of #JMXR, we sought to highlight patients, above all, rather than fanciful stock photos of, say, white-coated doctors in VR headsets. The tech should serve us, not the other way round. Info/submit: https://t.co/6NIqabsQFJ. Spread the word! https://t.co/t8rrrh2KHW

    • Got great #XR research? Consider submitting to #JMXR, the new open-access journal dedicated to Medical Extended Reality. Amazing international board of editors. Expedited reviews. We're already getting great submissions! Info/submit: https://t.co/c5b3zfVwGx. Spread the news! https://t.co/xEz18LDK2X

  • Mashup Score: 9

    Editorial Board | The only peer-reviewed research journal dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence applications in clinical and precision oncology

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    • Excited to join the Editorial Board of the only peer-reviewed research journal dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence applications in clinical and precision oncology!! https://t.co/om15f6WI8o #ai #precisiononcology #cancerresearch #journal | @capitalhealthnj… https://t.co/kA2PINK7S4 https://t.co/rDNkcuSr5W