Mashup Score: 76Plato vs Nietzsche: Who is the Real Nerd? - 5 month(s) ago
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes
Source: existentialcomics.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1507Explaining Capitalism to Aliens - 3 year(s) ago
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes
Source: existentialcomics.comCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 8Kierkegaard Goes to Therapy - 4 year(s) ago
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes
Source: existentialcomics.comCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 90Bertrand Russell Invents Analytic Philosophy - 5 year(s) ago
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes
Source: existentialcomics.comCategories: Future of Medicine, Latest HeadlinesTweet
RT @existentialcoms: Plato vs Nietzsche: Who is the Real Nerd? https://t.co/BCno08ncqG https://t.co/4MbJxHBBSr