• Mashup Score: 3

    The Pre-brief Management of the hypotensive patient is critical knowledge in the emergency department (ED)This population represents some of the sickest patients, with as little as 10 minutes of hy…

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    • RT @ThePeoplesRuben: Some things to consider when using push-dose vasopressors @CriticalCareNow @EM_RESUS https://t.co/ui8h36xCr7

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    Wooden Chest Syndrome - 2 year(s) ago

    The Pre-brief “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.” Often mistaken at first, Wooden Chest Syndrome is exactly that which we have been told not to expect – a zebra. Read on to find ou…

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    • Wooden Chest Syndrome – CriticalCareNow https://t.co/dmwFKzUUjZ

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    Do you use driving pressure? Should you? This post explains it all.

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    • Nice discussion here by @IM_Crit_ - follow the physiology rather than the table. No easy answers in this patient though unfortunately. Driving pressure and peep titration by @chatterJ5 https://t.co/CWbUzu0cwF https://t.co/6C7k8IPfzY

  • Mashup Score: 18
    CT Perfusion Confusion - 2 year(s) ago

    [▶] CT perfusion allows us to identify tissue that is irreversibly dead (infarcted core) versus that which is salvageable (ischemic penumbra) in a patient with suspected large vessel occlusion.

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    • Love this explanation of CT perfusion imaging for stroke eval by @byrupalshaila @CriticalCareNow https://t.co/xVb9cWGbZ2 #MedTwitter https://t.co/q3BgI7pgZW

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    Current practice guidelines and recent reviews seem too keen on recommending albumin infusion as a “volume expander” in patients with cirrhosis and AKI.

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    • Lung Ultrasound (#LUS) looks ok, but IVC is plethoric 🚩🚩🚩 I have wrote about thus scenario before: https://t.co/YN2FanQ8FT Venous congestion needs further evaluation! 5/11 https://t.co/96inKIU52T