• Mashup Score: 0

    Social determinants are structures and conditions in the biological, physical, built, and social environments that affect health, social and physical functioning, health risk, quality-of-life, and health outcomes. The adoption of recommended, standard measurement protocols for social determinants of health (SDoH) will advance the science of minority health and health disparities research and…

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    • .@NIH: New article introduces the #SDoH Collections of the @PhenXToolkit to clinical, population, and translational science researchers for use in their studies. @RTI_Intl #DataScience #Disparities #CDEs #protocols @NIMHD @NIH_NHLBI @CDCgov https://t.co/N3C8WCa5Lc https://t.co/FlXfwzGmwn

  • Mashup Score: 144

    Despite ongoing efforts to vaccinate communities against COVID-19, the necessity of face mask use in controlling the pandemic remains subject to debate. Several studies have investigated face masks and COVID-19, covering smaller and less diverse populations than this study’s sample. This study examines a hypothesized association of face-covering mandates with COVID-19 mortality decline across 44…

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    • It's actually a good thing that many scientists are tweeting this paper with praise It's the perfect way to detect who doesn't understand reading science critically. Low sensitivity. But amazing specificity. https://t.co/2rdxFtcuaD