Root nitrogen reallocation: what makes it matter?
Root nitrogen (N) reallocation involves remobilization of root N-storage pools to support shoot growth. Representing a critical yet underexplored facet of plant function, we developed innovative frameworks to elucidate its connections with key ecosystem components. First, root N reallocation increases with plant species richness and N-acquisition strategies, driven by competitive stimulation of plant N demand and synergies in N uptake. Second, competitive root traits and mycorrhizal symbioses, which enhance N foraging and uptake, exhibit trade-offs with root N reallocation. Furthermore, root N reallocation is attenuated by N-supply attributes such as increasing litter quality, soil fungi-to-bacteria ratios, and microbial recruitment in the hyphosphere/rhizosphere. These frameworks provide new insights and research avenues for understanding the ecological roles of root N reallocation.