Arohan Subramanya (
Physician-Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh. K+ 🥑🍌 | 🧂& 💦 | WNKs 😉 | Crowding 🔆 | Condensate Physiology
Physician-Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh. K+ 🥑🍌 | 🧂& 💦 | WNKs 😉 | Crowding 🔆 | Condensate Physiology
A Social History of Kidney Failure and Its Treatments Paul L. Kimmel, M.D. A remarkable account of the kidney and the scientific, medical, and health…
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These results suggest that complement dysregulation due to mutations in complement factor H is among the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying severe pre-eclampsia.
Genes & Immunity – Understanding rare genetic variants within the terminal pathway of complement system in preeclampsia
Graduate each Level and succeed in your quest; stack your NUTs, mint your NFTs, and experience the force.
‘Equal parts terrifying…exciting”: Fort Mitchell boy receives life-saving donation from family member
📣 The Coy D. and Rachel F. Fitch Visiting Professorship in Medical Leadership is a premiere endowed lecture event of the SSM Health #SaintLouisUniversity De…
An epidemiologist makes the case that a rush of research to stop a swine flu outbreak led to an accidental lab release of an extinct…
Nephrology Times is a leading medical news publication for nephrologists, featuring research and clinical updates, expert commentary, and more.