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    Now accepting nominations! TIPS conferences are the first Wednesday of each month at 4:30 PMAccess the zoom links here Many successful physician-scientists can recall a specific patient who sparked their curiosity and set them on the path towards an investigative career. The Interesting Patient Study (TIPS) provides Washington University clinical trainees in any department the…

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    • Reminder to join The Interesting Patient Study (TIPS) seminar next Wednesday 8/4/21! It’s going to be interesting! @MichaelJSlade https://t.co/UQVv06edKZ @WashUDPS https://t.co/x6BgczxnMx

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    Webinar August 28, 20217:55 AM – 3:35 PM Coordinator Michelle R Padgett, MS, ATC, Washington University CME

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    • Please join us for a one day live webinar on 8/28/21 reviewing recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. 6.25 hours of CME are available, see link to register https://t.co/8HT9mvv4hO https://t.co/CFg4pYbjRt

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    Thousands of kids and adults face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions. Ending bleeding disorders will take all of us. Join me in the Unite for Bleeding Disorders walk and provide research, support, and programs for families in our community.

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    • In association with the education weekend there will be a fundraising walk on Sunday morning 7/11. @WashUHeme & @STLChildrens have a team called THE COAGULATORS - feel free to join or donate. https://t.co/0ncoAFPGOs

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    Oh Lab@WUSTL - 4 year(s) ago

    The Oh Lab is interested in the fundamental mechanisms that drive the initiation, development, and progression of hematologic malignancies. We utilize patient samples as well as mouse models…

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    • Looking forward to learning more about this novel pathway! https://t.co/FGgWa36SVp preprint "DUSP6 mediates resistance to JAK2 inhibition and drives leukemic progression" @TimKong_ @WUSTLdbbs @WUSTLmstp #MPNsm #AMLsm https://t.co/oLBrceawU9 https://t.co/KpwDmHd0vL