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    AMERSA’s 47th Annual Conference will be held in Washington, D.C. November 2-4, 2023, with exciting pre-conference activities on November 1. Conference registration will open in early June. Please check back often and follow us on social media for program updates. NEW THIS YEAR: Saturday will be a full day of conference programming. 2023 Conference Registration Registration

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    • The 47th (!) Annual Meeting of AMERSA (@AMERSA_tweets) is happening in Nov 2023 in DC. In 2022, AMERSA had to turn people away as AMERSA met the capacity of their venue! SO REGISTER EARLY in 2023 (now!)! All accepted abstracts are published in SAj. https://t.co/0CvcnuOEDE

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    Beginning in 2014, SAj has presented awards on an annual basis for SAj Most Impactful Paper Award, SAj Best Peer Reviewer Award, and SAj Most Downloaded Paper at the AMERSA conference. Each awardee receives a glass trophy in recognition of their contributions to SAj. SAj Most Impactful Paper Award The SAj Most Impactful Paper Award

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    • We give annual SAj awards at the @AMERSA_tweets conference: SAj Most Impactful Paper, SAj Best Peer Reviewer, SAj Most Downloaded Paper. We've been doing this since nearly a decade. Now we recognize each of these outstanding authors & reviewers at: https://t.co/J4CfiM4AwL

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    AMERSA is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Sage Publishing as the new publisher of the Substance Abuse journal (SAj.) Sage is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and a growing suite of library products and services. The new website for the journal is journals.sagepub.com/home/saj. AMERSA members can access the journal for free via amersa.org/journal-home. All members…

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    • RT @AMERSA_tweets: We have some exciting news about our journal! Check it out in our recent blog post: https://t.co/cafeIQ4j11 @SAj_AMERS…

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    Home - AHSR 2023 - 2 year(s) ago

    The Addiction Health Services Research conference, held since 2005, annually brings together researchers, policy makers, and treatment providers to focus on how systems redesign can effectively and sustainably be implemented. A slate of distinguished plenary speakers, discussion of cutting-edge health services research findings, the development of collaborative relationships, and support of the…

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    • Excited to support the publishing an article (open access) of the event and accepted abstracts/presented of the 2023 AHSR Conference (@AHSRConference) in lovely #NYC. Submit your abstracts and register (soon) at https://t.co/GUpqvukwuH.

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    Background: Opioid agonist therapy with buprenorphine is an effective, evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder. However, there has been increasing use of alternative substances which can still produce opioid-like effects. One of these substances is the herbal supplement kratom. The c

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    • Congrats to @SAj_AMERSA's 2022 Most Downloaded Paper..."Long-term buprenorphine treatment for kratom use disorder: A case series." Congrats to Viktoriya R Broyan and co-authors. Within a few months, 3688 views/downloads... https://t.co/WNpmkyL62l

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    SAj Blog - AMERSA - 2 year(s) ago

    AMERSA, founded in 1976, is a non-profit professional organization whose mission is to improve health and well-being through interdisciplinary leadership in substance use education, research, clinical care and policy.

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    • Check out our #blog 🖥️for article #flashbacks, hear directly from authors in our #blogseries "Authors' Own Words", and all the #new in the journal. Check it out now! 😎🤩https://t.co/mDa4UKbyIQ