Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Colorectal Cancer - 5 day(s) ago
Colorectal Cancer provides a concise, readable overview of current and future management options in a fast-moving field, ideal for the busy clinician or healthcare professional. Each issue will provide high-quality Reviews of current and emerging topics, cutting-edge Editorials discussing contentious issues and independent Drug Evaluations assessing individual medicines and their role in current treatment practices. In addition, forward-looking Perspectives and Interviews will give leading experts the
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Hepatic Oncology - 8 day(s) ago
Hepatic Oncology provides a forum to report and debate all aspects of cancer of the liver and bile ducts. The journal publishes original research studies, full reviews and commentaries, with all articles subject to independent review by a minimum of three independent experts. Unsolicited article proposals are welcomed and authors are required to comply fully with the journal’s Disclosure & Conflict of Interest Policy as well as major publishing guidelines, including ICMJE and GPP3. Studies on all types
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0KRAS Cancer Connect to: Dr. Colin Lindsay | KRAS Kickers - 12 day(s) ago
The latest advances in KRAS cancer treatments with Dr. Lindsay, a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust moderated by Terri Conneran.
Source: www.kraskickers.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Colorectal Cancer - 17 day(s) ago
Colorectal Cancer provides a concise, readable overview of current and future management options in a fast-moving field, ideal for the busy clinician or healthcare professional. Each issue will provide high-quality Reviews of current and emerging topics, cutting-edge Editorials discussing contentious issues and independent Drug Evaluations assessing individual medicines and their role in current treatment practices. In addition, forward-looking Perspectives and Interviews will give leading experts the
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Hepatic Oncology - 19 day(s) ago
Hepatic Oncology provides a forum to report and debate all aspects of cancer of the liver and bile ducts. The journal publishes original research studies, full reviews and commentaries, with all articles subject to independent review by a minimum of three independent experts. Unsolicited article proposals are welcomed and authors are required to comply fully with the journal’s Disclosure & Conflict of Interest Policy as well as major publishing guidelines, including ICMJE and GPP3. Studies on all types
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Hepatic Oncology - 21 day(s) ago
Hepatic Oncology provides a forum to report and debate all aspects of cancer of the liver and bile ducts. The journal publishes original research studies, full reviews and commentaries, with all articles subject to independent review by a minimum of three independent experts. Unsolicited article proposals are welcomed and authors are required to comply fully with the journal’s Disclosure & Conflict of Interest Policy as well as major publishing guidelines, including ICMJE and GPP3. Studies on all types
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Colorectal Cancer - 23 day(s) ago
Colorectal Cancer provides a concise, readable overview of current and future management options in a fast-moving field, ideal for the busy clinician or healthcare professional. Each issue will provide high-quality Reviews of current and emerging topics, cutting-edge Editorials discussing contentious issues and independent Drug Evaluations assessing individual medicines and their role in current treatment practices. In addition, forward-looking Perspectives and Interviews will give leading experts the
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Editorial Board Members needed for Colorectal Cancer - 1 month(s) ago
Colorectal Cancer provides a concise, readable overview of current and future management options in a fast-moving field, ideal for the busy clinician or healthcare professional. Each issue will provide high-quality Reviews of current and emerging topics, cutting-edge Editorials discussing contentious issues and independent Drug Evaluations assessing individual medicines and their role in current treatment practices. In addition, forward-looking Perspectives and Interviews will give leading experts the
Source: think.taylorandfrancis.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 0A plain language summary of the PERSEUS study: daratumumab + VRd treatment options for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma - 2 month(s) ago
Our partner journal Future Oncology has published a Plain language summary of publication describing the first analysis of the PERSEUS study.
Source: www.oncology-central.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 1ETOP Slide deck of ESMO Congress 2024 - 3 month(s) ago
Just after the WCLC 2024 Slide deck, we are happy to announce that the ETOP Slide deck of the ESMO Congress 2024 is now available online. The conferences slide decks on the ETOP website (www.etop.ibcsg.org/etop) are designed to highlight and summarize key findings in thoracic oncology from the major congresses. These slide sets are realized with the kind support of Eli Lilly, GSK, Johnson & Johnson and Roche. In addition to the ETOP conferences slide decks, which are designed to highlight and summarize
Source: mailchi.mpCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists1Tweet
Experts in colorectal cancer are invited to join the Colorectal Cancer Editorial Board. 📚✍️ Find out more details about the role and apply here: https://t.co/5lHUxCIMJM