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    and Artificial Intelligence The Collaboration of Human AI at Johns Hopkins combines the intuition and understanding of human intelligence with the raw power of empirical AI to transform discovery.AI-X Foundry The Johns Hopkins AI-X Foundry is a university-based organization with an ambitious global vision: the intentional collaboration of human and artificial intelligence (AI), with…

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    • Thrilled to be appointed Director of Research (Health&Medicine) of AI-X Foundry @JohnsHopkins, leading the effort to bring together human intelligence and #AI to improve the human condition. Check out leadership and initiatives @ https://t.co/1QYx1Ev0rl @HopkinsEngineer @JHUBME

  • Mashup Score: 2

    In a combined computational and multi-center clinical study to investigate the effects of adipose fat tissue infiltration on ventricular arrhythmias, Sung et al. show that infiltrating adipose tissue, as opposed to scar, is the main cause of infarcted-related ventricular arrhythmias by slowing cardiac conduction in critical sites.

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    • The study itself showcases what a collaborative clinical and computational research can achieve! The paper is here: https://t.co/Aj1aIaJc88. @JHUBME @JHU_ADVANCE @JohnsHopkins @deniswirtz @hopkinsheart @PennCardiology #CardioTwitter Gorgeous artwork by @EricSung9 https://t.co/L9VxC8KMPG

  • Mashup Score: 9

    In a combined computational and multi-center clinical study to investigate the effects of adipose fat tissue infiltration on ventricular arrhythmias, Sung et al. show that infiltrating adipose tissue, as opposed to scar, is the main cause of infarcted-related ventricular arrhythmias by slowing cardiac conduction in critical sites.

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    • Congratulations @EricSung9! Beautiful image and a great reflection of the content in the paper! https://t.co/Aj1aIar2U0 @trayanovalab https://t.co/0ySOh3MSQI

    • Excited, #EPpeeps! Our paper https://t.co/Aj1aIar2U0 in @NatureCVR made the October cover! Figure shows adiposity and scar in post-infarction patient heart model and the arrhythmia. Background: electrograms acquired during ablation. @JonChrispinMD @Dr_Nazarian_EP @trayanovalab https://t.co/H9qTBvy4jj

  • Mashup Score: 0

    In a combined computational and multi-center clinical study to investigate the effects of adipose fat tissue infiltration on ventricular arrhythmias, Sung et al. show that infiltrating adipose tissue, as opposed to scar, is the main cause of infarcted-related ventricular arrhythmias by slowing cardiac conduction in critical sites.

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    • We reveal insights into the previously under appreciated role of penetrating adipose tissue in arrhythmias in post-infarction patients https://t.co/Aj1aIaJc88 #EPpeeps #Cardiotwitter @JonChrispinMD @Dr_Nazarian_EP @JHUBME @JohnsHopkins @trayanovalab https://t.co/soackFhouv

  • Mashup Score: 1

    In a combined computational and multi-center clinical study to investigate the effects of adipose fat tissue infiltration on ventricular arrhythmias, Sung et al. show that infiltrating adipose tissue, as opposed to scar, is the main cause of infarcted-related ventricular arrhythmias by slowing cardiac conduction in critical sites.

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    • 👇👇👇 We created patient heart models from contrast-enhanced CT and MRI to explore how fat and scar promote #arrhythmias. #EPpeeps https://t.co/Aj1aIaJc88 @JohnsHopkins @hopkinsheart https://t.co/kzSy4zF7kf https://t.co/65uHpTO32o

  • Mashup Score: 10

    Infiltrating adipose tissue (inFAT) has been recently found to co-localize with scar in infarcted hearts and may contribute to ventricular arrhythmias (VAs), a life-threatening heart rhythm disorder. However, the contribution of inFAT to VA has not been well-established. We investigated the role of inFAT versus scar in VA through a combined prospective clinical and mechanistic computational…

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    • Today in @NatureCVR! We examine the role of penetrating fat in #arrhythmias post-infarction. A prospective clinical-modeling study. https://t.co/gUvYw9Wm6h #EPpeeps #Cardiotwitter @trayanovalab @EricSung9 @JonChrispinMD @Dr_Nazarian_EP @JHUBME @HopkinsEngineer @JohnsHopkins