Mashup Score: 0NIH reform is in the air - 3 hour(s) ago
The same week Alexey Guzey proposed abolishing the NIH, two more essays popped up: Distinguishing the real from invented problems with the NIH, from Sasha Gusev, himself an NIH-funded geneticist The NIH Needs Reform: Here are 10 Sensible Suggestions from Joseph Marine, a cardiologist A few things came to mind: You can clearly see the difference in backgrounds. Gusev’s essay is an “insider-y”, show-me-what-we’re-doing-wrong approach. Marine’s is outward-looking-in, dealing more with perception of the NIH.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1
I recently spoke at an event dedicated to “making clinical trials faster” in the US. Mine was the first talk of the day, so I wanted to set up a framework of thinking about clinical trials that would be useful for further discussion. The attempt was a resounding failure at the level of the talks that followed — more on the specifics of that below — but I still think it’s a good framework so I’ll turn my 5-minute talk into a few paragraphs here in the hopes that more people start looking at the problem from that perspective.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 7The immigrant indignation loop - 15 day(s) ago
Here is a brief anecdote that may help contextualize some recent developments, in particular why anyone black, or brown, or uneducated, or poor may have preferred Trump over Harris. Two apartments ago, a bit before Covid, we were living in a 2-bedroom apartment in Northwest DC that was absolutely gargantuan by European standards but must have seemed cramped for a family of five-plus-a-house-guest to our neighbors. One neighbor in particular, let’s call her Alice, seemed unusually interested in the goings on of our household: the foreign accents, the visiting grandparents, so many children.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0A few mildly related pre-election observations - 20 day(s) ago
It won’t be close. Most pollsters are hacks who commit even greater statistics crimes than physicians so their 50/50 is most likely to mean a landslide either way. That link above is to Nate Silver’s Substack post, but please remember that he is also a hack who builds prediction models from the polling garbage he describes above while knowing it is garbage. That is even worse than what the pollsters are doing because shouldn’t he know better?
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Nekoliko blago povezanih zapažanja povodom zločina u Novom Sadu - 22 day(s) ago
Ljudske žrtve nekada su se prinosile ritualno, sa namerom da se udovolje bogovi. Od bogova se sada ne traži već im se uzima, a pošo je zvanično žrtvovanje izašlo iz mode počeli su i oni da uzimaju svoje. Američko vrhovno božanstvo je oružje; srpsko je novac. U oba slučaja može se naći neko ko je direktno odgovoran za ovu ili onu nesreću, tragediju, nepravdu ili zločin. Ali da se ne lažemo, postoji direktna veza izmeđ obožavanja para i svake od tih afera, skandala, dešavanja… nazovite ih kako hoćete.
Source: milosev.blogCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0RSS and Instapaper as cup and saucer - 27 day(s) ago
I have been reading Oliver Burkeman’s “Meditations for Mortals”, which builds on many of the concepts first mentioned in “Four Thousand Weeks”. One of them is looking at various aspects of life not as a to-do list that needs completing but as a river you dip in and out of as needed. One big to-do list that has followed me for more than a decade now has been my ever-growing Instapaper queue.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 4The Long Defeat of History - 29 day(s) ago
Tolkien’s vision of the long defeat provides unexpected resources for true hope.
Source: comment.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet-
Tolkien and the Incerto. Yes, they've mangled their @nntaleb a bit (catastrophe and eucatasrophe can both be black swan events) but this is a beautiful formulation of an antifragile way of life. "What weather they shall have is not ours to rule" indeed. https://t.co/XFFYhxaYyv https://t.co/N220QizEGW
Mashup Score: 1Bench to bedside in a bad way (on the virtue of clinical trials) - 1 month(s) ago
Andrew Gelman recently wrote about Columbia surgery professor’s research missconduct. I haven’t looked into the details but it seems like the retracted papers were all about lab research with no true clinical relevancy. In that context, this part of the post stuck out: Can you imagine, you come to this guy with cancer of the spleen and he might be pushing some unproven treatment supported by faked evidence? Scary.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Priključenija 221: Boston - 1 month(s) ago
Miloš sa Nebojšom deli par brzih utisaka iz Bostona.
Source: p-enija.fireside.fmCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Blogosphere's end - 1 month(s) ago
Venkatesh Rao, while retiring the Ribbonfarm blog, makes a serious prediction: I do think that the end really is here for the blogosphere though. This time it really is different. I’ve weathered many ups and downs in the blogosphere over my 17 years in it, but now it feels like the end of the blogging era. And what has emerged to take its place is not the blogosphere (and really shouldn’t try to be), even though parts of it have tried to claim the word.
Source: blog.miljko.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
So many people want to reform the NIH these days that my contrarian reflexes almost kick in forcing me to leap to its defense. Almost. https://t.co/y9FN4ZOV50