Mashup Score: 0Lock - 4 hour(s) ago
There are three separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of registrants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, January 16 morning session (10:15AM to 12:00PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Assessing payment adequacy and updating payments: Physician and other health professional services; Assessing payment adequacy and updating payments: Hospital inpatient and outpatient services; Assessing payment
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 2Lock - 1 month(s) ago
There are three separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of registrants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, December 12 morning session (10:30AM to 12:00PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Assessing payment adequacy and updating payments: Physician and other health professional services Register for the Thursday, December 12 afternoon session (1:15PM to 5:00PM) by clicking here Topics covered:
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 3Lock - 2 month(s) ago
There are three separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of registrants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, November 7 morning session (10:30AM to 12:30PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Reforming physician fee schedule updates and improving the accuracy of payments Register for the Thursday, November 7 afternoon session (1:45PM to 4:45PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Considering the participation
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 1Lock - 3 month(s) ago
There are three separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of regi strants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, October 10 morning session (10:30AM to 12:00PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Medicare beneficiaries in nursing homes Register for the Thursday, October 10 afternoon session (1:15PM to 4:30PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Findings from MedPAC’s annual beneficiary and provider focus
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 1Lock - 4 month(s) ago
This Thursday, MedPAC kicks off the 2024-2025 meeting cycle when we convene our September meeting. We are excited to share some of the policy issues MedPAC will be working on during the coming months. MedPAC’s agenda is shaped by a combination of statutory requirements, congressional interest, and the interests of the Commission, at the direction of MedPAC’s Chair and Executive Director. Three core principles guide our work: (1) payments should be sufficient to support beneficiary access to high-quality
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 10Lock - 4 month(s) ago
There ar e two separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of registrants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, September 5 early afternoon session (12:00PM to 1:15PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Context for Medicare payment policy Register for the Thursday, September 5 late afternoon session (2:15PM to 5:15PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Cost sharing for outpatient services at critical access
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 11Lock - 6 month(s) ago
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission mourns the passing of Gail Wilensky, MedPAC’s founding Chair. Gail led the Commission from 1997 through 2003, establishing the agency’s mission and direction which we rely on to this very day. Gail brought focus, energy, and rigor to the work of improving the Medicare program for the millions of beneficiaries who depend upon it. Under Gail’s leadership, the Commission became a leading resource to policymakers who rely upon its objective analysis and creative
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 11Lock - 6 month(s) ago
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission mourns the passing of Gail Wilensky, MedPAC’s founding Chair. Gail led the Commission from 1997 through 2003, establishing the agency’s mission and direction which we rely on to this very day. Gail brought focus, energy, and rigor to the work of improving the Medicare program for the millions of beneficiaries who depend upon it. Under Gail’s leadership, the Commission became a leading resource to policymakers who rely upon its objective analysis and creative
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 29Lock - 7 month(s) ago
As part of its mandate from the Congress, each June the Commission re ports on improvements to Medicare payment systems and issues affecting the Medicare program, including changes to health care delivery and the market for health care services. The six chapters of the June 2024 report cover the following topics: • Approaches for updating clinician payments and incentivizing participation in alternative payment models. The Commission considers two approaches for updating fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare’s
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
Mashup Score: 2Lock - 9 month(s) ago
MedPAC > Meetings > April 11-12, 2024 PUBLIC MEETING MedPAC’s April 2024 public meeting will be held virtually via video conference on the GoToWebinar platform. There are three separate sessions as indicated below. Given the limited number of registrants for each session, we request that you only sign up for the sessions you are able to attend. Register for the Thursday, April 11 morning session (10:30AM to 1:00PM) by clicking here Topics covered: Telehealth in Medicare: Status report; Alternative
Source: www.medpac.govCategories: General Medicine News, PayerTweet
MedPAC will host its first public meeting of 2025 on January 16-17. Commissioners will vote on payment adequacy recommendations and discuss additional topics including: Part D, MA, ASCs, IPFs, and CAHs. Register/view agenda here: https://t.co/jwAZS0MteU