Mashup Score: 6Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management - 12 month(s) ago
The Indigo Community project is a digital clinical trial that aims to assess the feasibility of mass recruitment to a community cancer survivor study via a large-scale online platform using participant self-enrolment. Our ambition is to develop a firm, pragmatic evidence based on how to collect patient reported data for people living in the community who have previously been treated for cancer.
Source: imperial.eu.qualtrics.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 20Horizons in Neuro-oncology | Computational Oncology Laboratory - 12 month(s) ago
Horizons in Neuro-oncology is a series of talks and events to encourage collaboration and to increase the impact of research in neuro-oncology. The focus is on clinically applicable, or near-clinic, technologies and treatments that might improve patient outcomes, and in developing, supporting and implementing new treatments. Although it is aimed at a clinical audience, it is open to all – health care professionals, students, researchers, charities, support groups, patients, carers and others. Each
Source: www.computationaloncology.netCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 2Indigo Community | Computational Oncology Laboratory - 1 year(s) ago
Indigo Community project is a digital clinical trial that aims to assess the feasibility of mass recruitment to a community cancer survivor study via a large-scale online platform using participant self-enrolment.
Source: www.computationaloncology.netCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 9Horizons in Neuro-oncology | Computational Oncology Laboratory - 1 year(s) ago
Horizons in Neuro-oncology is a series of talks and events to encourage collaboration and to increase the impact of research in neuro-oncology. The focus is on clinically applicable, or near-clinic, technologies and treatments that might improve patient outcomes, and in developing, supporting and implementing new treatments. Although it is aimed at a clinical audience, it is open to all – health care professionals, students, researchers, charities, support groups, patients, carers and others. Each
Source: www.computationaloncology.netCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 10Horizons in Neuro-oncology | Computational Oncology Laboratory - 1 year(s) ago
Horizons in Neuro-oncology is a series of talks and events to encourage collaboration and to increase the impact of research in neuro-oncology. The focus is on clinically applicable, or near-clinic, technologies and treatments that might improve patient outcomes, and in developing, supporting and implementing new treatments. Although it is aimed at a clinical audience, it is open to all – health care professionals, students, researchers, charities, support groups, patients, carers and others. Each
Source: www.computationaloncology.netCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 2Optune Multi-professional & patient update day - 1 year(s) ago
Open to all staff, patients and carers interested in or using Optune in the UK
Source: www.eventbrite.comCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 3Brain Tumour Research Petition - 1 year(s) ago
Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer yet, since records began in 2002, just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease. The Government should recognise brain tumour research as a critical priority, developing a strategic pl
Source: braintumourresearch.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 0BIR Publications - 1 year(s) ago
Abstract This machine was the first linear accelerator designed for medical use and the first to be installed in a hospital. The first patient was treated in 1953 and the last in 1969. During this period the machine was used for research during the evenings and latterly it was available for research all day long. It was switched off for the last time in February 1984. In addition to the X-ray beam, electrons were used for treatment and for research, where the high dose rate and large field size were particularly useful. An account is given of some of the highlights of the clinical and research programmes.
Source: www.birpublications.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 0Optune Multi-professional & patient update day - 1 year(s) ago
Open to all staff, patients and carers interested in or using Optune in the UK
Source: www.eventbrite.comCategories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
Mashup Score: 0New technology to predict chemo response - 1 year(s) ago
#PersonalDiagnosis #TNBC #Diagnosis
Source: breastcancernow.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists2Tweet
If you are an adult and have been diagnosed with cancer more than a year ago, and live in NW London, then we need you to help us understand your needs The INDIGO Community study helps us find out how patients feel, and what they need https://t.co/6kYW7Hv3Uo https://t.co/Qs3uhrNAdK