• Mashup Score: 2

    Implementation PerspectiveCardiopulmonary Exercise Testing With Simultaneous Echocardiography: Blueprints of a Dyspnea Clinic for Suspected HFpEFKey Wordsambulatory care facilitiesdiastolic heart failuredyspneaechocardiographyexercise testAbbreviations and AcronymsCPETechocardiopulmonary exercise testing with concomitant echocardiographyHFpEFheart failure with preserved ejection…

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    • Really excited to present our latest paper @JACCJournals on how to organize a #dyspnoeaclinic for #HFpEF! Tweetorial below... https://t.co/WMDyfETR60 Implementation perspective = new item in #JACCHeartFail under @BiykemB leadership! Really the clinician's voice, just love it!

  • Mashup Score: 0
    Cardiology Tools - 2 year(s) ago

    Dear colleague, How do physicians work with the HFpEF diagnostic algorithms as currently recommended by the European and American Heart Failure guidelines (HFA-PEFF and H2FPEF algorithms)? Does it affect the diagnostic decisions? We would like to answer this important question with a small study focused on physicians who evaluate 8 fictional patient cases. Participants…

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    • Dear #HFpEF community, wanna start 2023 with some contribution to science. Here’s an interesting study by @JerremyWeerts to see how physicians use the #HFpEF scores… https://t.co/RTeoAJnKo1 (Takes about 30 min of your time)

  • Mashup Score: 8

    This case-control study evaluates the performance of the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF algorithms to diagnose heart failure with preserved ejection fraction among ambulatory patients with dyspnea.

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    • @GiuseppeGalati_ @JJheart_doc @TomLuscher @AndrewJSauer @GianluSava @rudolf_deboer @DrDEliaEmilia @PSJhund @markcpetrie20 @DrCCaroli @FormigaFrancesc @Dr_Manito @CNCFCardio @lamcardio @fikkumamoto The key question here is: what constituted the gold standard diagnosis of #HFpEF? The only way to really exclude HFpEF is by #iCPET and even then it can be tricky. Most rigorous effort IMO by @yreddyhf in @JAMACardio https://t.co/kk6Bx0EB1x https://t.co/tyL2mfHY7B

  • Mashup Score: 1

    This study sought to describe characteristics and risk of adverse outcomes associated with the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores among participants in the co…

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    • @GiuseppeGalati_ @JJheart_doc @TomLuscher @AndrewJSauer @GianluSava @rudolf_deboer @DrDEliaEmilia @PSJhund @markcpetrie20 @DrCCaroli @FormigaFrancesc @Dr_Manito @CNCFCardio @lamcardio @fikkumamoto @yreddyhf @JAMACardio Different findings here, for diagnostic purposes, H2FPEF is more accurate and simplier! For prognosis, both scores do well and are complimentary, maybe HFA-PEFF slightly better there, but they are very close... https://t.co/WCvlxRPbpy https://t.co/OHgVE1bY10