• Mashup Score: 52

    Abernethy told STAT she believes she has laid the groundwork for long-lasting changes in the way that the FDA uses information technology.

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    • The last 2+ yrs @US_FDA have been some of the most explorative & enlightening of my career. We stood up the tech & data modernization programs, helped launch the #COVID19 Evidence Accelerator, made real progress in big areas like CBD...the list goes on.1/5 https://t.co/oES0CG2f3u

  • Mashup Score: 11
    Cybersecurity - 3 year(s) ago

    Cybersecurity information related to medical devices and radiation-emitting products.

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    • Cybersecurity isn't just a tech issue - it is a health issue. Health tech has cyber-risks. Many medical devices include software and can connect to the internet; they are at risk of security breaches. FDA has many efforts to reduce risk. #becybersmart https://t.co/4aR6moqreS