Mashup Score: 0Become a Heartbeat Buddy - 4 hour(s) ago
The most common request we receive is to connect children with heart conditions, and their families, with each other. We’re developing a buddy service to be able to do this better. The aim is that the buddy system offers support and opportunities to speak to someone who knows exactly what you’re going through; either because of their specific condition, where they are in the UK or with their heart journey. By signing up to the heart buddy system you will be connected with a 1-1 buddy to support each other either, providing a listening ear, friendship and social support. Our buddy system aims to build positive friendships, to support social and emotional needs, and improve wellbeing through the CHF community All information from this survey is confidential and only viewed by CHF staff. Information will be kept securely, and any data submitted to CHF will be anonymised if included in a report.
Source: docs.google.comCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Reset your mindset with powerful words about loving the skin you’re in with lived experiences from our Young Person Steering Group members
Source: www.eventbrite.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Reset your mindset with powerful words about loving the skin you’re in with lived experiences from our Young Person Steering Group members
Source: www.eventbrite.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 0Join us for a Heart2Heart - Children's Heart Federation - 1 month(s) ago
Heart2Heart is the Children’s Heart Federation’s newsletter covering topics relating to children with heart conditions and their families
Source: chfed.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 0Join us for a Heart2Heart - Children's Heart Federation - 1 month(s) ago
Heart2Heart is the Children’s Heart Federation’s newsletter covering topics relating to children with heart conditions and their families
Source: chfed.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 0CHF steering group(s) application - 2 month(s) ago
You can help us and heart children across the country by sharing your experience on of our steering groups. The aim of this application is to gather interest in and recruit for a steering group that will advise on issues relating to children with heart conditions through lived and professional experience. Children’s Heart Federation (CHF) is an Equal Opportunities employer and is committed to equality and diversity within our workforce, volunteers and all opportunities provided by CHF. We are committed to having a team with diverse skills, experiences, and abilities. Your participation in a steering group will help us to monitor how well we are reaching our organisational aims. Finding the right mix of skills and experience is important when building an effective steering group, and we encourage a commitment to participate from all areas of experience. All information from this survey is confidential and only viewed by CHF staff. Information will be kept securely, and any data submitte
Source: docs.google.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Held in our Hearts - 2 month(s) ago
Leave a message for a child with a heart condition who will forever be in our hearts.We hope you find comfort in sharing memories, messages or photos of lost loved ones.Your generous donations in their memory will support our work raising awareness of heart conditions in children, and ensure their legacy lives on to help others.
Source: chfed.memorypage.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 3Children's Heart Federation Festive Wreath Making Workshop - 2 month(s) ago
An evening full of festive spirit at our wreath making workshop and show your support for children with heart conditions
Source: chfed.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
Mashup Score: 1Children's Heart Federation Ultimate Christmas Wrapping Party - 3 month(s) ago
Host a few friends, bring gifts, and set up a Christmas Wrapping Party and help us championing children with heart conditions this Christmas.
Source: chfed.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 3Children's Heart Federation Festive Wreath Making Workshop - 3 month(s) ago
An evening full of festive spirit at our wreath making workshop and show your support for children with heart conditions
Source: chfed.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiology News and JournTweet
🧠Mind & Heart Connection🫀 The most common request we receive is to connect children with heart conditions, and their families, with each other. We’re developing a buddy service to be able to do this better.🫂 Register your interest https://t.co/737T3M56Fo #HeartMonth2025 https://t.co/lh1X8wIa8y