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    Hear from scholars and activists on why they oppose heritable genome editing. Find image descriptions for the video here: https://www.geneticsandsociety.org/…

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    • Why oppose heritable genome editing? In this video, hear from scholars and activists @SFdirewolf @billmckibben @leftcoastpa @YrachetaJM and more. https://t.co/wz1f9zHR4S

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    When the gentleman-​scholar Francis Galton inspected his fellow men of Victorian Britain, he found them wanting: “We want abler commanders, statesmen, thinkers, inventors, and artists,” he wrote in…

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    • Francis Galton’s efforts to understand human differences were rooted in eugenics. The impact of his approach can be seen in more recent efforts to understand individuals through aggregated Internet data. @nescioquid @chrishwiggins https://t.co/rY2P6Yk7k1

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    In eugenics practice dating back decades, California forced thousands to undergo forced sterilizations. Many were poor and people of color. Moonlight Pulido, whose womb was removed in prison in 2005, shares her story.

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    • Before it was repealed in 1979, California’s eugenics law allowed the sterilization of thousands of residents, many of them poor and people of color, who were considered unworthy of having children. As recently as 2014, prisons sterilized female inmates. https://t.co/ntvnusLmXL

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    Privately run genealogy databases have become a crucial tool for police investigators. Now a nonprofit is collecting data to help crack more cold cases.

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    • Law enforcement use of DNA to solve crimes currently relies on commercial databases meant for genealogy research. A new nonprofit is building a database explicitly for criminal investigations, but risks of providing one’s genetic information remain. https://t.co/ojKOdYfB18

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    MVI Working Group |

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    • Our recent MVI webinar featured @kramdas @arcattapan Amrita Pande, and @Curlie3000 discussing intersectional feminist concerns about reproductive uses of human genome editing. Find videos and transcripts of the webinar + more info on MVI on our website. https://t.co/QF3cPUYyMj

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    For decades genetics and genomics researchers have used race, ethnicity, ancestry and other population descriptors in research that has opened powerful areas of study of human history and evolution, biology, diseases and heritable traits. But these descriptors are slippery words with hard to pin down meanings. They are also contested words, and the use of “race” as a surrogate for biology or…

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    • Citing concerns about the use of race as a proxy for human genetic variation, a committee formed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine advised that researchers avoid using race in genetics research. https://t.co/bSAhVXUG7E