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    Live | The White House - 2 year(s) ago

    LIVE White House events and press briefings with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and other administration officials.

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    • Tri-country drug meeting: Livestream from the White House ONDCP today and tomorrow. https://t.co/eDtVOG2GBi

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    Below is an eloquent comment on the most recent proposal to “modernize” methadonetreatment, obtained by AT FORUM. Dated May 26, it is by Arlin Silberman, D.O., F.A.O.A.A.M. (afellow of the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine) and reviews “TheModernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (M-OTAA), H.R.1359/S. 644.”In summary, the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (M-OTAA),…

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    • Important commentary on the most recent #methadone reform legislation https://t.co/jdmWYU4boJ

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Below is an eloquent comment on the most recent proposal to “modernize” methadonetreatment, obtained by AT FORUM. Dated May 26, it is by Arlin Silberman, D.O., F.A.O.A.A.M. (afellow of the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine) and reviews “TheModernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (M-OTAA), H.R.1359/S. 644.”In summary, the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (M-OTAA),…

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    • Everything you need to know about the M-OTAA https://t.co/jdmWYU4boJ