• Mashup Score: 38

    Food Safety During a Power Outage. Refrigerated or frozen foods may not be safe to eat after the loss of power. Find out what you can do to keep food safe during a power outage, and when you need to throw away food that could make you sick.

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    • Have you lost power? Unopened, full freezers will keep food safe for 48 hours during power outage; 24 hours if half-full. https://t.co/9xnw6DNgzy #Zeta https://t.co/r7IfavTdvU

  • Mashup Score: 59
    Floods | CDC - 4 year(s) ago

    Floods can have devastating effects on your home and your family. Learn how to prepare for a flood, stay safe during a flood, and protect your health when you return home after a flood. Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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    • #Flood waters may pose risks, including drowning, injuries, and hazards from chemicals, sewage, or bacteria that may be in the water. Learn how to stay safe: https://t.co/EngwFlxVoD. #Zeta https://t.co/aHSsJuCDCS

  • Mashup Score: 1

    In an emergency, having access to needed medical care and supplies can be a matter of life and death. We and our partners in the Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition are committed to delivering life-saving medical care and supplies to areas affected by disasters.

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    • Please report #diabetes supply shortages and request support by calling the 1-314-INSULIN hotline. We also encourage you to bookmark our page of @DiabetesDisast1 resources (https://t.co/r17yYHLkjH). #Zeta #HurricaneZeta #T1D #T2D #T1DM #T1D2