• Mashup Score: 2

    How large language models (LLMs) can revolutionize professional writing tasks.

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    • GPT INSIGHT! The restructuring of tasks towards idea-generation aligns work more closely with creativity and intellectual engagement. -Accuracy -Efficiency -Satisfaction https://t.co/tjqLAzewUW #AI #ChatGPT #work #burnout #digitalhealth #medicine #LLMs #FutureofWork https://t.co/Cg4U40PH54

  • Mashup Score: 2

    How large language models (LLMs) can revolutionize professional writing tasks.

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    • 👉KEY INSIGHT: Beyond efficiency and accuracy, AI—particularly GPT— is improving, job satisfaction and self-actualization. The AI Productivity Triad | Psychology Today https://t.co/NeHaDD5ILk #AI #ChatGPT #work #FutureofWork

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    The Joy of Technology - 7 month(s) ago

    When AI transforms not just work but also personal satisfaction.

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    • ⚡️Moving beyond the aspects of quality improvement and efficiency, technology—particularly LLMs—is bringing a new level of personal satisfaction to the workplace. https://t.co/HyYB772JQn #AI #LLMs #work #FutureOfWork