Mashup Score: 9Countering COVID-19 mental distress by building resilience - 4 year(s) ago
Life beyond COVID-19 might seem unclear, but trauma experts say we can adjust to a new normal by nurturing relationships, practicing empathy and being kind to ourselves.
Source: Stanford MedicineCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 2How stress affects your brain and how to reverse it - Scope - 4 year(s) ago
Stress in 2020 seems worse than ever. Stanford’s Andrew Huberman discusses ways to reduce stress, such as different breathing patterns.
Source: ScopeCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
.@StanfordChild's Victor Carrion discusses the psychological stress of living through a pandemic and how to build resilience and practice empathy. https://t.co/5vJTJmDS6w #WorldMentalHealthDay #WMHDay