• Mashup Score: 39

    Mekele, sa capitale, que jalousait le reste de l’Ethiopie pour sa modernité, roule désormais en calèche et le plein d’essence s’y négocie à 700 dollars. A ce prix, les Tigréens restent cloués sur place. Une immobilité mortelle dans les campagnes profondes où les combats ont empêché les semences. La famine tue sans distinction et d’abord les enfants les plus jeunes.

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    • #Tigray in #Ethiopia is facing a man-made famine due to the siege by Ethiopian and Eritrean forces. There’s nowhere in the world that more than 6 million people are sealed off for 20 months and counting. This must end. https://t.co/izQMVU3jYD

  • Mashup Score: 166

    Mekele, sa capitale, que jalousait le reste de l’Ethiopie pour sa modernité, roule désormais en calèche et le plein d’essence s’y négocie à 700 dollars. A ce prix, les Tigréens restent cloués sur place. Une immobilité mortelle dans les campagnes profondes où les combats ont empêché les semences. La famine tue sans distinction et d’abord les enfants les plus jeunes.

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    • Appalling, inhumane living & medical conditions in #Tigray, Ethiopia. Doctors are left to watch their patients die as they have no means to treat them: No food No medicines No electricity No fuel no telecom No hope, as the world is watching & not acting. https://t.co/izQMVU3jYD

  • Mashup Score: 8

    Shipments of medical supplies have been delivered to Tigray—the first in months—but WHO says it will not be enough to restock the severely depleted health system. Sharmila Devi reports.

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    • Medical aid reaches #Tigray after months of de facto blockade. But with a severely depleted health system & 9.4 million people needing assistance, WHO says it's not enough. Sharmila Devi reports: https://t.co/4xbXgIJB7q https://t.co/XUMU5F3KoX

  • Mashup Score: 9

    Shipments of medical supplies have been delivered to Tigray—the first in months—but WHO says it will not be enough to restock the severely depleted health system. Sharmila Devi reports.

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    • Medical aid reaches #Tigray—the first in months. But WHO says it's not enough to restock the depleted health system. Sharmila Devi reports: https://t.co/OAXJK1QqLN https://t.co/tO6oFknYGF

  • Mashup Score: 60

    More than 1 year into the current tragedy in Ethiopia,1 the situation at Ayder Comprehensive Specialised Hospital, a major teaching institution in Mekele in Tigray, is dire.2 In wars there are always many wrongs, often on both sides, but the worst is to deny food and medical care to innocent civilians—anywhere. As such, we, along with signatories of this Correspondence, appeal to the world’s…

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    • "A medical catastrophe is unfolding." Written on Christmas Day in #Ethiopia, an appeal to world leaders by A Mark Clarfield, colleagues, & signatories: stand by health workers & patients in #Tigray. https://t.co/ejJO5W1j96 https://t.co/BbKCqNJChj