• Mashup Score: 1

    Despite state Republican leaders’ rigid opposition to expanding the health program designed for low-income residents, advocates successfully gathered enough signatures to get the measure on the fal…

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    • Despite Republican leaders’ rigid opposition to expanding #Medicaid, advocates gathered enough signatures to take the issue to voters in November. #SouthDakota 📝: @philgalewitz https://t.co/770GW1nye6

  • Mashup Score: 6

    Up-to-date estimates of key covid-19 metrics for your county or state

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    • Two great sites that track the Rt for various regions (down to county level at https://t.co/idg6QFk6Gx & state level at https://t.co/7woGOaqk2Y). The evidence for #NorthDakota & #SouthDakota being at or below Rt of 1 is strong. This need not be permanent. https://t.co/hfiGJMraBF