• Mashup Score: 12

    Regular coffee consumption of at least one cup daily was associated with a lower risk of COVID-19 infection, according to a study.

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    • Fox News + observational research + marginal journal x coffee = RIDICULOUS headline. "Coffee consumption linked to lower risk of #COVID19 infection" https://t.co/jTFNcI2rSq #FoxNews pushes antivaxx noise but a headline on coffee = gold! #Sigh. Again, correlation ≠ causation!

  • Mashup Score: 2

    AREQUIPA, Peru (AP) — On the last day of Javier Vilca’s life, his wife stood outside a hospital window with a teddy bear, red balloons and a box of chocolates to celebrate his birthday, and held up a giant, hand-scrawled sign that read: “Don’t give up.

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    • If you need a reminder that the #pandemic still very much continues, & even raging in some places, read this. #sigh https://t.co/L8gKu9XC6Z

  • Mashup Score: 9

    The messy public debate about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 is the endpoint of over a year of failures on the part of science communicators.

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    • "The #COVID19 #LabLeak Debate Shows How Experts Failed Us" https://t.co/TId6xs8gon Agree with @MaddieOBender! (I'm writing a piece on point right now - similar conclusions.) Need to do a better job representing uncertainty & that science is a process. (PS, @jonstewart? #Sigh)