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    Spending time meeting with lawmakers during the legislative off season can make a big difference in building trust and ensuring they know they can rely on our expertise when mental health bills cro…

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    • Spending time meeting with lawmakers during the legislative off season can make a big difference in building trust and ensuring they know they can rely on our expertise when mental health bills cross their desks. https://t.co/FayQrn2jSV #Psychiatry @APApsychiatric https://t.co/XUw6rglJxS

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    A psychiatrist in solo private practice was facing a dilemma. His amiable and easygoing patient of 10 years who had been stable for the past nine years was suddenly having problems at work c haracterized by agitation, uncharacteristic conflict with peers, and panic attacks. After her second panic attack at work, her boss asked her to take a couple of weeks off for medical leave, after which she could return but only with a doctor’s note certifying her safety at work. The psychiatrist immediately recognized

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    • ETHICS CORNER | The primary obligation of psychiatrists in a treatment relationship is to patients, but in dual agency situations, that obligation is not absolute as psychiatrists also owe some obligation to a third party, a forensic role. https://t.co/mGoP9C48W7 #Psychiatry https://t.co/FkRV88zSOm

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    The Holmes Commission on Racial Equity in American Psychoanalysis found that faculty and candidates at psychoanalytic institutes, regardless of race, agreed that psychoanalytic curricula did not adequately address race and racism, and subjects about race. The commission also found the following: Candidates were not adequately trained to apply racial awareness to analysis, and a majority of candidates and faculty reported inadequate discussion of race and racism in supervision. Though freedom to choose

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    • The Holmes Commission on Racial Equity in American Psychoanalysis found that faculty and candidates at psychoanalytic institutes did not adequately address #race and #racism and subjects about race. https://t.co/agSTm5jYWJ #Psychiatry #MentalHealth https://t.co/2QFb9BxJKW

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    The addiction prevention efforts that APA has undertaken to date as part of my presidential initiative on addiction have largely focused on adolescents in middle school or high school, as this is often the age when experimentation with substances begins to occur. There’s logic to this, of course, as early intervention often has the best outcomes for people with substance use disorders (SUDs) and other mental disorders. However, as the American population ages, we cannot afford to compound an already

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    • FROM THE PRESIDENT | As the American population ages, we cannot afford to compound an already devastating substance use crisis by overlooking the needs of older Americans. https://t.co/9zcKsv6HBj #Addiction #Psychiatry #MentalHealth #SubstanceUse @APApsychiatric https://t.co/dVLWFdONb6