• Mashup Score: 2

    Background and purpose: Prediction of stroke impact provides essential information for healthcare planning and priority setting. We aim to estimate 30-year projections of stroke epidemiology in the…

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    • Stroke AHA/ ASA #OriginalContribution #OpenAccess Burden of #STROKE in #EUROPE; 30-Year Projections of Incidence, Prevalence, Deaths, and DALYs https://t.co/juasgHBnUW https://t.co/AHn31UVmb7

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    Background and Purpose: Brain atrophy can be regarded as an end-organ effect of cumulative cardiovascular risk factors. Accelerated brain atrophy is described following ischemic stroke, but it is n…

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    • #STROKE #OnlineFirst #OriginalContribution Dynamic Regional #BrainAtrophy Rates in the First Year After #IschemicStroke; Ipsilesional hemispheric, hippocampal, and thalamic atrophy rates were 2-4 times greater in the early versus later period https://t.co/JPv30PMdvp https://t.co/A9fkbTxnWy

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Background and Purpose: Hemorrhages are a serious complication of brain surgery, and magnesium has shown hemostatic properties in hemorrhagic stroke and non-neurological surgeries. External ventric…

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    • #STROKE #OnlineFirst #OriginalContribution Observational study shows low #magnesium is an independent predictor of EVD-related hemorrhagic complications; risk was attenuated by magnesium replacement, suggesting a therapeutic opportunity #ICH #SAH #EVD https://t.co/7D5qHvgD3J https://t.co/Jl3iQAdwPl