Mashup Score: 1Oncology Nurses Identify Crucial Unmet Needs in Patients With GU Cancers | Cancer Nursing Today - 1 day(s) ago
Patients with genitourinary (GU) cancers have high levels of unmet need when it comes to emotional support, intimacy, and informational support.
Source: cancernursingtoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Oncology Nurses Identify Crucial Unmet Needs in Patients With GU Cancers | Cancer Nursing Today - 3 month(s) ago
Patients with genitourinary (GU) cancers have high levels of unmet need when it comes to emotional support, intimacy, and informational support.
Source: cancernursingtoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Oncology Nurses Identify Crucial Unmet Needs in Patients With GU Cancers | Cancer Nursing Today - 4 month(s) ago
Patients with genitourinary (GU) cancers have high levels of unmet need when it comes to emotional support, intimacy, and informational support.
Source: cancernursingtoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
📋 What do oncology nurses see as the most crucial unmet needs in GU cancers? 💡A survey of oncology nurses published in @APJON_AONS lent insights and highlighted 3 top unmet needs. ➡️ Learn more: https://t.co/BbSXuUOA3w #oncology #nursing #GUcancers https://t.co/96NZDZnEcj