• Mashup Score: 2

    Combining the chemotherapy drug topotecan and the investigational drug berzosertib shrank tumors in some patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC), the most aggressive form of lung cancer, according to results from an NCI-supported phase 1 clinical trial. Two phase 2 trials of the combination for SCLC are planned.

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    • A combination of two drugs can shrink the tumors of some patients with small cell lung cancer (#SCLC), the most aggressive form of lung cancer: https://t.co/lI79ZkKBIF #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/XT06zRXAl5

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Researchers have shown that the loss of a protein called AMBRA1 can cause tumors to form in mice and is linked with worse outcomes in some human tumors. A lack of AMBRA1 may make some tumors resistant to CDK4/6 inhibitor drugs. The new research may lead to strategies for re-sensitizing cancer cells to these drugs.

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    • Discovery of Tumor Suppressor Suggests New Cancer Treatment Strategies: https://t.co/fK2FPDAUxi #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/N25ACVJT6S

  • Mashup Score: 4

    A drug called avasopasem manganese (AVA), which has been found to protect normal tissues from radiation therapy, can also make cancer cells more vulnerable to radiation treatment, a new study in mice suggests. AVA is already being tested in early clinical trials against several cancers, including pancreatic cancer.

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    • A drug that shields normal cells from radiation may also help kill cancer cells, a study in mice suggests: https://t.co/eqYdgjxZYB #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/QsSSqXoAih

  • Mashup Score: 1

    People with advanced melanoma treated with two immunotherapy drugs—nivolumab (Opdivo) and a new drug called relatlimab, which targets a protein called LAG-3—lived longer without their cancer getting worse than those treated only with nivolumab, according to results from a large clinical trial.

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    • Combination of two immunotherapy drugs shows promise in advanced melanoma: https://t.co/JjdB06zQjR #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/scTfVZCzhM

  • Mashup Score: 12

    In people with advanced esophageal cancer, combining nivolumab (Opdivo) with either chemotherapy or ipilimumab (Yervoy) improved how long they lived, according to results from a large clinical trial. Results from the trial, CheckMate 648, should change current clinical practice, experts said.

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    • RT @theNCI: Nivolumab-based combinations improve survival in advanced esophageal cancer: https://t.co/JYRE4A5xOt #NCICancerCurrentsblog #re…

  • Mashup Score: 6

    In people with advanced esophageal cancer, combining nivolumab (Opdivo) with either chemotherapy or ipilimumab (Yervoy) improved how long they lived, according to results from a large clinical trial. Results from the trial, CheckMate 648, should change current clinical practice, experts said.

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    • Nivolumab-based combinations improve survival in advanced esophageal cancer: https://t.co/JYRE4A5xOt #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/kCW3yPOzjZ

    • RT @theNCI: Nivolumab-based combinations improve survival in advanced esophageal cancer: https://t.co/JYRE4A5xOt #NCICancerCurrentsblog #re…

  • Mashup Score: 3

    For people with acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes, a new study suggests whole-genome sequencing could simplify and improve how doctors select the best treatment regimen for each patient. Whole-genome sequencing can determine the complete genetic makeup of a patient sample in a single test.

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    • For people with acute myeloid #leukemia and related cancers, whole-genome sequencing could help guide decisions about treatment: https://t.co/66JrcVvtec #NCICancerCurrentsblog #repost https://t.co/rwww24n4Hw

  • Mashup Score: 3

    PDX mouse models of cancer largely retain the genetics of the human tumors from which they were initially created, results from an international study show. The findings provided strong reassurance that PDX are providing reliable results in research studies.

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    • A large study provides reassurance that cancer models known as PDX mice largely retain the genetics of the human tumors from which they were created: https://t.co/9OdoWwotzN #NCICancerCurrentsBlog #repost https://t.co/mwQcicnyXa