• Mashup Score: 7

    The new NICE ME/CFS Guideline 2021 represents a major reversal in advice for clinicians. “The committee concluded any programme using fixed incremental increases in physical activity or exercise (for example, graded exercise therapy), or physical activity or exercise programmes that are based on deconditioning and exercise avoidance theories, should not be offered to people with ME/CFS. The…

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    • RT @MEAssociation: 2/2 Watch the videos here: https://t.co/AdlRP3qbuw 2021 NICE Guideline on #MECFS: https://t.co/5Lzp9GMgqD The ME Assoc…

  • Mashup Score: 4
    COVID news 2/11/23 - 1 year(s) ago

    Hi all, XBB.1.5 is now dominant in almost all of the United States except for the Pacific Northwest. Overall, XBB.1.5 represents 75% of all COVID cases in the US now. So far, there are no new variants pushing out XBB.1.5 which is good news. Reported US cases are decreasing as are hospitalizations, but there are still about 450 people dying of COVID each day in the United States.

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    • Please Retweet! This week's COVID newsletter is out! In this issue: 📈XBB.1.5 is 75% of cases in US 💉1 shot of #InterferonLambda ⬇️hospitalizations by 50% for ALL variants. Why is it not used? 🦠New biomarkers for #MECFS and ? #LongCOVID and much more https://t.co/NWkLEc3ohj

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Fatigue is a common reason that patients seek medical care. Only a fraction of these patients meet criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). To determine if ME/CFS is just a more extreme form of fatigue, or a qualitatively different condition, we assessed whether risk factors for ME/CFS and for Severe Fatigue were similar. An email questionnaire that inquired about…

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    • Different risk factors distinguish myalgic encephalomyelitis/#chronicfatigue syndrome from severe #fatigue https://t.co/tbCQUk2Qkd #CFS #mono #EBV Risk factors differ between severe fatigue and #MECFS, potentially suggesting a different underlying pathophysiology.