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    A systemic mastocytosis (SM) patient describes her diagnosis journey, from her early twenties through undergoing the protocol for a pregnant SM patient when she had her daughter.

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    • Systemic #Mastocytosis Patient, Katie Preston-Toepfer Describes Her Diagnosis Journey "I had our son in 2017, and that's when I experienced, for the first time, I guess, how life-threatening what I have can be if you have a reaction." https://t.co/NeIadL7TEe #mastcelldisease

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    Systemic mastocytosis (MS) is a rare chronic blood disease that has both non-advanced and advanced subtypes. Learn more.

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    • What Are the Types of Systemic #Mastocytosis? @WHO divides SM into 5 different subtypes. While most subtypes are associated with the same non-hereditary mutation on the KIT gene, each differs in biology, symptom severity, and prognoses: https://t.co/52VgyQ7mWV #mastcelldisease