• Mashup Score: 3

    Dr. Erika Hamilton explores the culture of blame around cancer, in which patients are shamed for failing to prevent cancer and judged on all of the decisions they make.

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    • A7. Agree w/ @thebreastofus that shame has no place in a diagnosis of #breastcancer but is all too common nonetheless. Dr. @ErikaHamilton9 (follow her by the way #ListenUpMBC if you don't!) wrote a really nice piece on this: https://t.co/jKGOl2fINJ. #bcsm #ASCO20 https://t.co/DIEq9XpeF5

  • Mashup Score: 17

    Learn Young women can and do get breast cancer. We believe that knowledge and understanding can make us all stronger. We hope these pages help you learn about breast cancer at your own pace—so you can feel more confident and in control of your…

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    • A6: #ASCO20 #ListenUpMBC Be mindful of all impacts of #breastcancer in young ppl: 👉Body image/intimacy 👉Fertility/childbearing 👉Parenting young kids while ill 👉Loss of income during prime working yrs 👉Long-term survivorship https://t.co/BrFS2MjMYz @YoungStrongDFCI #bcsm https://t.co/xwrULWMGyO

  • Mashup Score: 7

    NCI is expanding eligibility criteria for cancer clinical trials in the hope that more patients will join trials, leading to more rapid advances in cancer care.

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    • A3. #Advocacy colleagues were key to modernization of elig criteria for #oncology #clinicaltrials. They said "We WANT to enroll in trials but aren't eligible" & "We NEED data in pts who are more like us." Look at the impact: https://t.co/qmgKZzTfWD. 🏆 #ListenUpMBC #ASCO20 https://t.co/4fJpnP7RzG