• Mashup Score: 0

    The U.S. population was offered a vaccine shown to have more than 90 percent efficacy in the face of a deadly disease, tested and proven safe, ready within a year of the outbreak, provided in two doses plus a booster, widely available and free. There is no parallel in modern times. Yet, some people chose to believe otherwise.

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    • The deadly #Infodemic: 5% think vaccines contain microchips; 7% that they used aborted fetal cells; 8% said they could alter human DNA; & 10% concerned they cause infertility. 46% were uncertain about the veracity of at least 1 of the 4 false statements. https://t.co/h5mKlAhnhu

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Misinformation is being spewed, weaponized, and consumed at a deadly rate. Fortunately, there’s a way out. Here’s how to make sense of what you’re seeing.

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    • In 2021, COVID #misinformation intensified & became more polarizing and ideological in tone. The emergence of #Omicron added fuel to the misinformation fire. Soon: on @GlobalEdmonton to talk about the #infodemic. My recent take on pt: https://t.co/16JLQFE8VQ cc @mulvihill12