• Mashup Score: 7

    Lifting and carrying heavy luggage can strain your bones, muscles and joints. There are many ways to help prevent luggage-related injuries, such as using proper lifting techniques, packing lightly, and using a few smaller bags rather than one bulky suitcase.

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    • Here’s a #holidaytravel safety tip: Don’t overload your carry-on. Lifting heavy bags into overhead bins can cause neck, back & shoulder injuries. Learn how to safety pack & stow your luggage at #Orthoinfo: https://t.co/UaMZYb7rGQ #Orthotwitter @IATA @ASESmembers @NASSspine https://t.co/5WsBz2QJTU

  • Mashup Score: 1

    As coronavirus cases take off across the U.S., airlines promote holiday deals and encourage travel. But are flyers throwing caution to the wind?

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    • The airlines argue more is now known about the virus and recent industry-sponsored studies show flying is just as safe as regular daily activities. Time for a reality check. #HolidayTravel #COVID19 📝: @victoriaregisk https://t.co/wXwCWyvqSK