Mashup Score: 4Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in People Who Have Experienced a Stroke and Their Caregivers - Practical Neurology - 8 hour(s) ago
Understanding and addressing the correlation between the mental health of people who have experienced a stroke and their caregivers may help improve secondary prevention and quality of life for these individuals.
Source: practicalneurology.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Amber Comer, PhD, JD (@Amber_R_Comer) and Ann Jones, MD provide practical guidance for the Dx and Tx of #depression and #anxiety in people with #stroke and their #caregivers. https://t.co/VdOziqGKXh @IndianaUniv @American_Stroke @AANmember @AmerMedicalAssn @ACPIMPhysicians