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    Adults with a history of allergic disorders faced an increased risk for hypertension and coronary heart disease, according to a study presented at ACC Asia Together with the Korean Society of Cardiology Spring Conference.“We have cardiologists and dermatologists, focusing on inflammatory skin diseases, in our team,” Yang Guo, PhD, postdoctoral researcher with the department of

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    • "We discussed risk for #CVD in patients w/ inflammatory skin disease, which is an important allergy disease. Recent studies suggest an association between allergic disorders + #CVDs. Findings remain controversial." Dr. Yang Guo told @GoHealio https://t.co/JBERZtWgqf #ACCAsia

  • Mashup Score: 5

    A special report on the global burden of cardiovascular disease, published in JACC in December 2020, demonstrated that cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of disease burden in the world—causing one-third of deaths globally. The report also conveyed that CVD rates are rising in many regions where they had previously declined. Addressing the urgent need to…

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    • #CVDs remain the leading cause of disease burden in the 🌏. @JACCJournals @IHME_UW & @nih_nhlbi have released a new webinar analyzing findings specific to East Asia from the #JACCGlobalBurdenCVD landmark paper published in 2020: https://t.co/Sr7wI06AEY #ACCIntl #cvPrev #JACC https://t.co/pKuc2EsjSf

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Accelerating Guideline-Driven Care Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common genetic cardiovascular diseases, both in the US and globally. It is estimated that 1 in 500 have HCM. However, only 100,000 Americans have been…

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    • #cvHCM is one of the most common genetic #CVDs. As part of the Accelerating Innovation for Medical Excellence in #HypertrophicCardiomyopathy initiative, ACC created a collection of educational resources and activities to accelerate guideline-driven care. https://t.co/Vg0sX0OHDx https://t.co/6LMfyZH3jw

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Accelerating Guideline-Driven Care Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common genetic cardiovascular diseases, both in the US and globally. It is estimated that 1 in 500 have HCM. However, only 100,000 Americans have been…

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    • #cvHCM is one of the most common genetic #CVDs. As part of the Accelerating Innovation for Medical Excellence in #HypertrophicCardiomyopathy initiative, ACC created a collection of educational resources and activities to accelerate guideline-driven care. https://t.co/Vg0sX0OHDx https://t.co/4uPsKkFBE7

  • Mashup Score: 1

    This week’s View summarizes articles focusing on prevention: whether low levels of lipoprotein(a) and corresponding lipoprotein(a) genotypes are associated with major disease groups, the relative incidence and mortality risk for cardiovascular diseases among people with different types of diets using data from the UK Biobank, and the association between alcohol consumption, biomarkers, and…

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    • This week's #EaglesEyeView focuses on #cvPrev: whether low levels of lipoprotein(a) & corresponding lipoprotein(a) genotypes are assoc. w/ major disease groups, relative incidence & mortality risk for #CVDs among people w/ different diets & more: https://t.co/OW1qwIV8Re @keaglemd https://t.co/gVVHE5sgh5